WP Software Developer

Software Portability and Atomics

Software Portability

When we talk about software portability, we usually come up with 2 categories

  1. portable software - cross-platform software, which can be transport from platfrom to platform
  2. port software - software adopt to one platform

There are four dimensions determining software portability

  1. Hardware
  2. Language
  3. Libraries
  4. Operatio System / Interfaces

For example LP64 and ILP32 are two different C Language Data Type Models. If we define
size_t a; in ILP32, its size will be 32 bits. But if we define it in LP64, it will be 64 bits.

As a result, if we want to develop a portable software accross platforms, we have to think about how to overcome these variations.


Atomic is a physics idea, in software development point of view, it means to make operations indivisiable/uninterruptible. The reason is that sometimes, multiple threads will interrupt one operation when it is executing in multi-core situations.

For example:

if (x == 0)
    x += 1;

It is possible that other thread interruption will happen between the addition and assignment process.

To avoid this problem, we can use intrinstics: e.g.


An atomic operation can both constrain code motion and be mapped to hardware instructions for synchronization between threads (e.g., a fence).

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