WP Software Developer

Important Issues for Benchmarking

What is benchmarking

Benchmarking is an important tool we use to access the relative performance of a software or specific component of a software, normally by running a number of standard tests and trials against it.

Issues we need to notice for benchmarking

  1. Repeatability
    • ability to produce same results reliably (same data, multiple runs)
  2. Test conditions
    • make sure we use same testing data, platform and environment
  3. Data size and & data composition
    • use enough data to get a decent run, especially using sampling sampling profilers.
    • use data representative of real-world, ensure code path coverage.
  4. Caching - first run code will load up the cache, subsequent run will faster
    • run more than one time
    • or flush your cache everytime
  5. Avoid including scaffolding/unrelated functions in benchmarking
    • benchmark the overhead seperately or substract it
    • benchmark only important pieces

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