WP Software Developer

OpenCV Optimization Practice - Stage I Update

OpenCV Optimization - Stage I Update


After discuss with my instructor, I realized that my OpenCV optimization stage I is not sufficient. There are the list of tasks I need to add for stage I:

  • Test Host - Specify: which test host I will use for benchmaking.
  • Test Plan - Safety: What is the result of the test. Is it always returning same&correct result?
  • Test Plan - Performance: Display the detailed performance of the test.
  • Optimization Plan: Explan why and how I am going to optimize target functions.
  • Other Architecture: What is the preformance of the test in other platform

Build and Banchmark

Test Host:

The host for initial test is Aarch64 named Archie with following features:

[wpan17@aarchie ~]$ lscpu
Architecture:        aarch64
Byte Order:          Little Endian
CPU(s):              24
On-line CPU(s) list: 0-23
Thread(s) per core:  1
Core(s) per socket:  2
Socket(s):           12
NUMA node(s):        1
Vendor ID:           ARM
Model:               4
Model name:          Cortex-A53
Stepping:            r0p4
BogoMIPS:            200.00
L1d cache:           32K
L1i cache:           32K
L2 cache:            256K
L3 cache:            4096K
NUMA node0 CPU(s):   0-23
Flags:               fp asimd evtstrm aes pmull sha1 sha2 crc32 cpuid

Test Data:

As I mentioned in Stage I, the original testing data is very simple, just need to use cvRound, cvCeil and cvFloor functions for a single float for one million times. But now I realize this test data is not enough. I should try multiple input.

I used 2 pair of test data, one is float and one is double. Each pair contains 2 numbers, one positive and one negative. These numbers are all randomly selected using formula (max - min) * ((float)rand() / RAND_MAX) + min;. The ranges (min - max) are between -1000 to 0 for positive and 0 to 1000 for negative number.

    float float_a = 975.256165;
    float float_b = -363.565369;
    double double_a = 553.034485;
    double double_b = -634.781189;

Optimization and Testing Plan

In previous Stage I blog, we already discovered that the performance of cvCeil and cvFloor is much worse than cvRound.

Now I need to redo the Benchmark with new test data and plan.

First of all, I create 6 test file for cvCeil, cvFloor and cvRound.

cvRound cvCeil cvFloor
float cvRound_test_f.cpp cvCeil_test_f.cpp cvFloor_test_f.cpp
double cvRound_test_d.cpp cvCeil_test_d.cpp cvFloor_test_d.cpp

The main body for these test files are similar like:

int main(int argc,char** argv){
if( argc != 2 ){
#if __aarch64__
    printf("__aarch64__ cvRound(float)\n");
    float float_a = 975.256165;
    float float_b = -363.565369;

    long int total_fra = 0; //total number for float
    long int total_frb = 0; //total number for double

    for (int i=0;i<10000000;i++){
    	total_fra += cvRound(975.256165);
	    total_frb += cvRound(-363.565369);

    printf("total cvRound float a: %ld\n",total_fra);
    printf("correct answer: %ld\n\n",(long int)round(float_a)*10000000); 

    printf("total cvRound float b: %ld\n", total_frb);
    printf("correct answer: %ld\n\n",(long int)round(float_b)*10000000);

    return 0;

Test Plan

In above script, we will call cvRound() function one million time with both positive and negative float. The result of will be added up to long integer total_fra and total_frb and will be printed out. The expected result will be calculated use regular round() function. The test plan for other two functions will follow the same method and same test data.

Test Plan - Safety


total cvRound float a: 9750000000
correct answer: 9750000000

total cvRound float b: -3640000000
correct answer: -3640000000


total cvRound double a: 5530000000
correct answer: 5530000000

total cvRound double b: -6350000000
correct answer: -6350000000


total cvCeil float a: 9760000000
correct answer: 9760000000

total cvCeil float b: -3630000000
correct answer: -3630000000


total cvCeil double a: 5540000000
correct answer: 5540000000

total cvCeil double b -6340000000
correct answer: -6340000000


total cvFloor float a: 9750000000
correct answer: 9750000000

total cvFloor float b: -3640000000
correct answer: -3640000000


total cvFloor double a 5530000000
correct answer: 5530000000

total cvFloor double b -6350000000
correct answer: -6350000000

So far the result of thse three functions are all correct. After we modify the cvCeil and cvFloor in next stage, this result will be used as an reference to check whether the optimization implementation is safe.

Test Plan - Performance

Time Usage with same test condition

cvRound cvCeil cvFloor
float real 0m1.535s 0m1.755s 0m1.756s
user 0m1.501s 0m1.702 0m1.712s
sys 0m0.032s 0m0.051 0m0.041s
double real 0m1.535s 0m1.755s 0m1.758s
user 0m1.503s 0m1.712s 0m1.704s
sys 0m0.030s 0m0.041s 0m0.051s

Perf with same test conditions

The perf report of shows us the runtime usage percentage of cvRound and other functions:

  57.58%  cvRound_float  libc-2.27.so                  [.] _mcount@@GLIBC_2.18
  11.77%  cvRound_float  cvRound_float                 [.] main
  10.92%  cvRound_float  cvRound_float                 [.] cvRound
   7.32%  cvRound_float  libm-2.27.so                  [.] __lrint
  59.63%  cvRound_double  libc-2.27.so                [.] _mcount@@GLIBC_2.18
  11.11%  cvRound_double  cvRound_double              [.] main
  10.29%  cvRound_double  cvRound_double              [.] cvRound
   6.59%  cvRound_double  libm-2.27.so                [.] __lrint

Compare with cvRound, we can see that the percentage of cvCeil and cvFloor is much higher:

  51.79%  cvCeil_float  libc-2.27.so                [.] _mcount@@GLIBC_2.18
  30.13%  cvCeil_float  cvCeil_float                [.] cvCeil
   9.49%  cvCeil_float  cvCeil_float                [.] main
   3.82%  cvCeil_float  ld-2.27.so                  [.] do_lookup_x
  50.39%  cvCeil_double  libc-2.27.so                [.] _mcount@@GLIBC_2.18
  31.32%  cvCeil_double  cvCeil_double               [.] cvCeil
   9.81%  cvCeil_double  cvCeil_double               [.] main
   3.81%  cvCeil_double  ld-2.27.so                  [.] do_lookup_x
  50.91%  cvFloor_float  libc-2.27.so                  [.] _mcount@@GLIBC_2.18
  30.07%  cvFloor_float  cvFloor_float                 [.] cvFloor
  10.33%  cvFloor_float  cvFloor_float                 [.] main
   3.62%  cvFloor_float  ld-2.27.so                    [.] do_lookup_x
  49.91%  cvFloor_double  libc-2.27.so                [.] _mcount@@GLIBC_2.18
  31.29%  cvFloor_double  cvFloor_double              [.] cvFloor
  10.20%  cvFloor_double  cvFloor_double              [.] main
   3.78%  cvFloor_double  ld-2.27.so                  [.] do_lookup_x

Usage Table

cvRound cvCeil cvFloor
float 18.24% 30.13% 30.07%
double 16.88% 31.32% 31.29%

According to the time and perf result, we can see that the performance of cvCeil and cvFloor is much worse than cvRound. There should be some room for us to to improve cvCeil and cvFloor, to make their performance approach to cvRound.

Optimization Plan

After looking into these three function, I realize that the reason why cvRound performs better is that it will call a special GNUC function lrint() inside of its body. And lrint() is an optimized function which will round the input to the nearest integer.

       │    _ZL7cvRoundd():
 12.91 │      stp    x29, x30, [sp, #-32]!
 11.98 │      mov    x29, sp
       │      mov    x0, x30
 26.16 │      str    d0, [sp, #24]
       │    → bl     _mcount@plt
 11.80 │      ldr    d0, [sp, #24]
       │    → bl     lrint@plt
 11.80 │      ldp    x29, x30, [sp], #32
 25.35 │    ← ret
       │   0000000000044218 <lrint>:                                           
       │   lrint():                                                            
 20.48 │     frintx d0, d0                                                     
 79.52 │     fcvtzs x0, d0                                                     
       │   ← ret  

But for cvCeil() and cvRound, there is no such optimization

Percent│    000000000040692c <cvCeil(double)>:                                 
       │    _ZL6cvCeild():                                                     
  4.13 │      stp    x29, x30, [sp, #-48]!                                     
  4.37 │      mov    x29, sp                                                   
       │      mov    x0, x30                                                   
  7.31 │      str    d0, [sp, #24]                                             
       │    → bl     _mcount@plt                                               
  4.12 │      ldr    d0, [sp, #24]                                             
 12.34 │      fcvtzs w0, d0                                                    
  3.79 │      str    w0, [sp, #44]                                             
  3.56 │      ldr    w0, [sp, #44]                                             
 14.57 │      scvtf  d0, w0                                                    
       │      ldr    d1, [sp, #24]                                             
 15.80 │      fcmpe  d1, d0                                                    
  4.37 │      cset   w0, gt                                                    
  3.70 │      and    w0, w0, #0xff                                             
  3.99 │      mov    w1, w0                                                    
       │      ldr    w0, [sp, #44]                                             
  7.45 │      add    w0, w1, w0                                                
  3.42 │      ldp    x29, x30, [sp], #48                                       
  7.07 │    ← ret 

So the test plan is to find optimized GNUC funtions which are similar with lrint() for cvCeil and cvFloor, to imporve the performance of these two functions.

Other Architecture

Performence Comparison between different architecture with same test condition

Aarch64 - Betty

[wpan17@bbetty test]$ lscpu
Architecture:        aarch64
CPU op-mode(s):      32-bit, 64-bit
Byte Order:          Little Endian
CPU(s):              8
On-line CPU(s) list: 0-7
Thread(s) per core:  1
Core(s) per socket:  2
Socket(s):           4
NUMA node(s):        1
Vendor ID:           ARM
Model:               2
Model name:          Cortex-A57
Stepping:            r1p2
BogoMIPS:            500.00
NUMA node0 CPU(s):   0-7
Flags:               fp asimd evtstrm aes pmull sha1 sha2 crc32 cpuid


cvRound cvCeil cvFloor
float real 0m0.559s 0m0.654s 0m0.656s
user 0m0.548s 0m0.633s 0m0.645s
sys 0m0.010s 0m0.020s 0m0.010s
double real 0m0.541s 0m0.655s 0m0.651s
user 0m0.530s 0m0.634s 0m0.630s
sys 0m0.010s 0m0.020s 0m0.021s


cvRound cvCeil cvFloor
float 7.79% 9.33% 9.86%
double 7.68% 12.61% 10.83%

The performance of these three functions on Betty seems much better than Archie. But sill, the performence of cvRound is still better than other two functions.

x86_64 xerxes

I plan to use run the same test on xerxes, but there is no engough space for me to install OpenCV on it.

[wpan17@xerxes project]$ git clone https://github.com/opencv/opencv.git
Cloning into 'opencv'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 7, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (7/7), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (7/7), done.
fatal: write error: No space left on device55 MiB | 12.94 MiB/s   
fatal: index-pack failed

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