WP Software Developer

OpenCV Optimization Practice - Stage III

OpenCV Optimization - Stage III


Hi everyone, thank you for reading my blog! This is the final stage of my OpenCV Optimization Practice. In this stage, I need to finish the following tasks:

  • Push the optimization to the upstream
  • Conclusion and Review of this project

Push To Upstream

This link is the OpenCV contribution instruction, it will give you step-by-step guide about how to contribute to opencv.

In Brief, the steps I followed to make a pull-request is

  1. Fork opencv
  2. Clone forked opencv to my Archie and Betty
  3. Create a new branch with meaningful name
  4. Modify/add code as we talked about in stage II.
  5. Run test locally. We need to glone the testdate realsed by opencv. Export the path of the testdata and run each test in build directory.
  6. If the test pass, I can push my new branch to my github fork and create a pull request to opencv base branch.
  7. Testing and merging pull requests

This is a very legit way to create a pull request and is not hard to implement.

Local Test Issues

In step 6, I found that not all local test passed. For example in ./opencv_test_core:

[==========] 11357 tests from 240 test cases ran. (164504 ms total) [ PASSED ] 11354 tests. [ FAILED ] 3 tests, listed below: [ FAILED ] Core_InputOutput.filestorage_base64_basic_read_XML [ FAILED ] Core_InputOutput.filestorage_base64_basic_read_YAML [ FAILED ] Core_globbing.accuracy

I failed in 3 locak tests but I have no clue why this happend. I don’t think the modification I made can cause these failures. The same situation happened in several other tests too, for example ./opencv_test_ml. I guess it is not my fault.

Pull Request Status

Anywait I created a pull Request to Opencv upstream and here is the link https://github.com/opencv/opencv/pull/16160.

Unfortunately, I found that the build on remote did not pass because of precommit_docs build failed. I checked the build log and I found that the build failure is caused by “modules/core/include/opencv2/core/fast_math.hpp:417: new blank line at EOF.”. Such a silly mistake. I fixed this issue and redo they commit. This is the build error log:

try to acquire commands lock
commands lock was acquired in 0.000273942947388 sec

git diff --check 5b0b59ecfb1b670fa3a152a8b2b0048d4b128b31 --
 in dir /build/precommit_docs/opencv (timeout 1200 secs)
 watching logfiles {}
 argv: ['git', 'diff', '--check', '5b0b59ecfb1b670fa3a152a8b2b0048d4b128b31', '--']
 using PTY: False
modules/core/include/opencv2/core/fast_math.hpp:417: new blank line at EOF.
program finished with exit code 2

commands lock was released

Waiting for building:


Overview of OpenCV Optimization Practice

Overall, this is a very meaning project to me. The most important thing I learned from this project is the methodology of

  1. How to find a software optimization opportunity
  2. How to make a good optimization plan for the opportunity you found
  3. How to verify whether your optimization plan works

If OSD600 (opensource development) is the course lead me to the open source world, SPO600 gives me the chance to dig into some large open-source software project and learn how to implement a proper software optimization.

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